Wednesday Church Life Update

Greetings, EMC family! He is still risen, indeed!

Easter was a glorious day, despite the fact we could not meet together physically. It was such a beautiful culmination of all our preparation during Lent, and the Lord was present among his scattered people. I hope you were encouraged by the reminder that we are a people of sure, living hope because our lives belong to a living, victorious Lord. I know I was. Easter hope is not a once-per-year experience, but the very fabric of our lives. As Peter declared, “he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (I Peter 1:3). Living hope defines every day of our lives, not just the highest day on our liturgical calendar. So be hopeful, church. Trust in Christ who lives!

Here is a quick summary of things you need to know this week:

  • Join us for Bible study and prayer this Wednesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live.
  • EMC has partnered with Culpepper Inn to provide 100 free breakfasts for first responders! Special thanks to Mike and Holly for allowing us to partner with them and to all who gave toward this effort. Additional gifts can be given online by visiting our online giving page and selecting ‘First Responders’ from the ‘Designation’ drop-down box.
  • The entire chapel complex will be closed down for the remainder of this week so that the floors can be stripped and waxed. Jessica can still be reached if you call the church office. Her extension will forward all calls to her cell phone. Thank you for your patience.
  • Pastors Aaron and Jeff will be tag-teaming our new sermon series, “Almost Good News,” beginning this Sunday.
  • Tithes, offerings , and giving toward the Building Fund, Faith Promise, etc. can be mailed to the church office or submitted online:

That’s all I have for today. Stay positive, keep in touch with one another, and fix your eyes on Jesus. I love you all.

In Him with hope. With you.
Pastor Sean

Sean Scribner
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