Holy Week Church Life Update

Beloved EMC Family,

Holy Week is here! Below are a variety of opportunities for you to celebrate and participate in the life of EMC during these sacred days. Please be sure to read everything. There’s a lot of new things for you to see:

  • Join us for Bible study and prayer this Wednesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live (or watch the livestream on our website).
    • Each livestream begins 15 minutes before the service time to allow folks to get connected.
  • Our special Holy Week “Stations of the Cross” self-guided tour on the campus begins the morning of Maundy Thursday (April 9th) and ends the evening of Holy Saturday (April 11th). Outdoor stations will be set up around campus for you to come read Scripture, sing, and meditate on Jesus’ work on the cross.
    • Click here to view the outdoor locations and instructions
    • Please bring your smartphone and Bible with you. (If your smartphone is not capable of reading QR codes, click here for an alternate list of links.)
  • Invite your Facebook friends to join us for our Easter Sunday Celebration livestream. Click here to view and share the scheduled livestream event on Facebook.
  • Join us in sharing your #JesusChangedMyLife story.
    • Create a one- to two-minute video of yourself sharing your testimony of how Jesus changed your life. Here are some tips on how to tell your story, as well as selfie video best practices (see also here). Include an invitation at the end of your video for others to believe in Jesus, and welcome them to follow up with you or another Christian community for help in this difficult season. If you don’t want to share a video of yourself, feel free to just write your testimony in a social-media post!
    • Share the video on social media sometime this week. Be sure to use hashtag #JesusChangedMyLife and tag EMC in your post (e.g. #JesusChangedMyLife @ECityEMC) so people can learn more about Jesus through a local church.
    • Pray that the resurrection power of Jesus on display in these videos would inspire many to tune into a service on Easter and begin their own #JesusChangedMyLife journeys.
  • EMC is partnering with Culpepper Inn to provide free breakfasts for first responders! We need your help to make this possible. To donate toward this special outreach opportunity, please send your checks to the church this week with “First Responders” in the memo line, or visit our online giving page and select ‘First Responders’ from the ‘Designation’ drop-down box. The more you give, the more we can be a blessing to those who are serving us on the front lines. Thank you!
  • Tithes, offerings , and giving toward the Building Fund, Faith Promise, etc. can be mailed to the church office or submitted online:

I am so excited about everything coming up this week and I’m looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible both online and on-campus!

In Him. With you.
Pastor Sean

Sean Scribner
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