God’s Economy

In the beginning, God had a plan—a plan to create what did not already exist and fill it with his glory. Central to the divine enterprise were people created to look and act like God. They were to be managers of his property, administrators of his purposes, and inheritors of his portion. As such, their lives would only be fruitful and fulfilling when ordered rightly.

But in its first generation, all of mankind’s relationships became wrecked. Friends became enemies. Work became toil. Order was displaced by disorder and paradise was lost.

God’s Economy is a sermon series on biblical stewardship that explores how life works best according to God’s design. It endeavors to recast a vision of life as rightly related to God, creation, and other people, and illuminates how a rightly ordered heart views time, talents, and treasures from an eternal perspective.

God’s purposes have not been arrested nor suspended. He is still sovereign; he is still in control; he still has purposes toward which his providence is directed. What remains is whether we will be willing participants with him by bringing all of life into submission under his gracious rule and acknowledging that we are not our own but belong to Christ, who gave himself up for us.

Series Playlist

God's Economy
God's Economy
Ordered Relationships
  • Ordered Relationships

    Ordered Relationships

    Jan 12, 2020 • 40:17

    Biblical stewardship teaches us that whether it is what God entrusts to us, or withholds from us, in all things he desires that we might come to know him, enjoy him, and entrust all of our lives to him. Speaker: Sean Scribner Series: God’s Economy Scripture: Genesis 1:26-31

  • Ordered Affections

    Ordered Affections

    Jan 19, 2020 • 34:24

    The design of God for humanity—the very purpose of our existence and how we share, enjoy, and multiply his goodness in the world—can be found in the command to love God with all that we are. This is the aim of his grace through Christ in the Spirit: To reorder…

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    Ordered Commodities

    Jan 26, 2020 • 46:11

    God has created us for right relationships: with himself and with others. He has designed our hearts to be restless until they find their rest in him. Therefore, we must use every resource and opportunity we have in this life to bring us into a fellowship that will last forever.…

  • Ordered Work

    Ordered Work

    Feb 2, 2020 • 46:19

    The church, as the embodiment of God’s life and work in the world, is to be both enjoyed and shared. Each member has a part to play in joining God in his worldwide redemptive movement. Will we faithfully do that which God himself has assigned us to do? Speaker: Sean…